Thursday, September 20, 2012

no ordinary world


She hadn't gotten passed the nurses' station when the fluorescent lights flickered once, twice, and then burned out. All of them, and at the same time.

Chloe paused, a rambling actor bumping into her in the dark, "This is happening... this is really happening!"

"What's happening?" Chloe grabbed the shadow and asked, "Where are the generators?"

But she was bumped again, and was thrown into a medical cart.

Shoes squeaked frantically across the hall, Chloe regaining her balance and her orientation. Which way was it Lois' hospital room? she peered in the blackness, but did it really matter? Was any of this ever real?

Faintly, Chloe spied one of the exit doors, opened now with shadows of people flocking to it. They were all evacuating like the sudden power outage was a spur of some natural disaster.

And it was. Natural, no. But when Chloe passed the threshold and looked up into the sky as everyone else did, she knew.

It was still dark, it was still night. The many flecks of simulated starlight shining defiantly as another, larger star, invaded their spotlight.

It was a celestial contradiction of night and day never seen before on a real Earth. Or had Lex proven that this place, this world,  was unlike any other ever created.  The sun was caught in a cycle of cataclysmic, sublime, silent explosions. Star bursts of ghostly fingers spraying across in the sky. It was a sight more beautiful than she ever imagined. Their simulated star, dying, in front of them. All light on the earth was dead, and it left everyone to gaze up at the only thing that seemed alive.

It provoked a sense that they had suddenly transported to a different planet entirely.

It was happening, Chloe thought, feeling her heart in her chest.

Silent, except the murmurs between the crowd of actors on the street. Some had flashlights while others had the sheen reflection of the explosion in their wide eyes. The silence gradually fell to a low drumming... as if the thunder had finally awoken to its lost lightning.

Fat raindrops  crashed against Chloe's forehead, yet there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

This rain, was not rain. It was preventative measures. She looked down at the street gutters as water gushed from the pavement... It was water from industrial sprinkler heads.

The studio was on fire.

"What now?" she heard someone whisper, either to someone in the dark or across the radios. But there was no answer, no one knew. A malfunctioning power surge affected the town like a tidal wave, and now they were all dependent on the light of the stars and the moon.

The moon was still on the horizon, and hung there as if it were caught by surprise.  It's emotionless  face watched as its counterpart swirled in fiery display.

And the more Chloe watched the celestial spectacle, the more she realized that  it looked more like a falling meteor than a star. Bloated, and angry... unpredictable. Falling towards them.

Sheriff Adams appeared from the twilighted darkness, her hat absent from her head, "What now?" she said, with a airy dissonance that sent chills down Chloe's neck.

Yes, what now?

Streaks of her wet hair crested her eyes, but she could still see the cropping of the road that led from the hospital to the Kent house. With this sudden flood of water, the dirt road would turn into mud and then it would be impassable. She had to leave, now.


With only her headlights lighting the way, Chloe drove through the heavy rain, listening for any traffic over the radios. There was none, and she was certain the power outage had taken over Lex's radio tower too. But still, the eerie glow of the sun shone with a determination and source of its own. A churning, fire ball of energy in physical suspense. Waiting for...

She approached the crossing of the ravine, but was forced to stop. The bridge was inundated with swift water, the water management systems offline and inoperable. Without Lex's engineers monitoring the lands, the area was a playground for Murphy's Law. Everything designed in Smallville had been based off of the principle of 'picturesque,' and most of those designs nearly impossible to manage without constant oversight.

All of Smallville's pretty landscaping and waterways being erased. The narrow, steep rocky avenues, so the transplanted greenery. None of it was native to the flat lands the project was bred.

Chloe watched as the mud began to slide down the mountain side.

 The world Lionel Luthor had built, now turned upside down by his son.

She got out of her car and shielded her eyes from the rain. She thought she could climb her way across, that possibly--

She lost her footing, slipped. Water rushed passed.

She landed on her back, her face assaulted by the torrential rain. Her eyes shut, coughing. She covered her mouth.

But her eyes kept opening, she couldn't help it, she had to see it.

The sun, it was falling.


The voice grew stronger over the rain, and she heard heavy clonks of boots tromping through the water and mud. It was Clark, his jacket over his head, his truck's headlights back lighting him from across the bridge, "Chloe, are you alright?"

Before she could answer, he swept her up and brushed off her face. She barely had time to smile, to realize, that she was overjoyed to see him now. Not because she was stuck. Not because it was raining. And not even because she didn't know what was about to happen to them all. But, just, because.


"C'mon, I'll carry you over, " he said, his hair wrapped around his face in thick strands. Easily, he gathered her legs and carried her across the swift water, abandoning her car on the other side of the bridge. She looked across at it from behind his shoulders just as the water swept it away.

Where her own legs and car wouldn't have made it across, Clark walked over the strong current effortlessly. And he didn't seem to notice either.

Clark placed her in the cab and ran over to the driver side and popped in, "I told my mom to stay inside the house... I'm glad I found you out here. I wasn't sure-- Do you think Lois is ok--"

"She's fine," Chloe shivered.

He looked over at  her. It was stronger than she expected it to be. He might have been calculating the risk of crossing the bridge again, or was he calculating the trust in her words? He looked as if he was reading her mind, or her soul. Clark looked at her with a confidence  that she wasn't sure he'd found anywhere else. He took her word, and reversed the truck.

Clark made no mention of the sun, even as his eyes caught it around the cab's visor several times. Chloe made no mention of it either, unsure what to say, or even if she should say anything at all. She instead watched him as he maneuvered the truck carefully long the pitted mud holes as competent as a man born to do so.

There was no way Clark could have understood what was happening, or why the sky was so strange. He didn't seem to be afraid, or curious at all. His demeanor was all so focused, and determined, like a marathon runner obsessed with a mythical finish line. Pressed against all corners, Clark was fighting, still reacting to the obstacles thrown at him by men who hide beneath titan sized props. If it wasn't social manipulations, then it was physical barriers, or elemental disasters. Now, it was the entire town falling apart. Chloe turned to watch the sun's fury from the rear cab window.

The sun was sinking lower, the lashes of fire whipping at the higher mountain line. A fine orange glow began to show behind the dark, jagged rocks.

Clark glanced at it too in his rear mirror, and adjusted it once or twice.

But he didn't say anything.

Had they pushed Clark to the point where he no longer questioned his enemies... or did he even know where to start?

"Now what," Chloe asked unexpectedly, the question fumbling from her lips even before she knew it. There was no subtext in her ear, no lines  cued from Lex. There was no one there in the truck cab except her and Clark.

There was no one else.

"I'm taking you back to the house, my mom is waiting there. I told her to wait," Clark said, eyes focused on the dark roads, "we have batteries and a gas generator in the barn... after I get you there safe, I'm going back for Lois."

The windshield wipers slapped away stubborn raindrops, swarming and obstructing their view. Clark kept driving and didn't stop, not once.


He drove her back to the farm, where the roads became nearly impassable. Rather than parking the truck, the tires simply quit in the mud.

The Kent property was strange in complete darkness. Chloe couldn't remember a time when the porch light was off, nor was there ever a cold feeling when she approached it.

But the power outage had affected it too, and the house was blacked out. Abandoned. Empty.


She shivered, clothes soaked and her bones shaking. They sought shelter underneath the Kent's porch. Clark went inside the house and looked for his mother. His voice was that of a frightened boy, hiding underneath a grown man. When Martha didn't answer inside the house, and Clark came out, panicked.

"Clark," Chloe caught his arm as he ran out, "she's not here."

He looked at her, like a creature looking from out his cage... Behind him, the moon crested the black ridges of town.

It was a labyrinth, Clark's labyrinth. Both for his body, his abilities, and his mind. The walls were closing in. There was no one else but them now.

They were alone.

"Martha... isn't here." Chloe reiterated, in a way that suggested she wasn't anywhere. She saw the same look inside his eyes. He was reading her, again.

Clark's blue eyes shone like glass in a dark void. Crescents of translucent flesh so delicate, yet so powerful as they cleared into crystal with Chloe's words. Slowly, a light burned in them. Slowly, he understood.

"What's going on, Chloe?"

"Martha.. Lois... They're not real, none of this is real..." her words spilled from her mouth, and then it was too late... "The fires, your entire life! None of it is real, it's all a lie."

Beyond the shelter of the porch, rain continued to fall in frantic relays. Until then, Clark had made no reference to the strange fire in the sky. But it was then that he looked over his shoulder then, and back at her.

"That's not real?"

She stared at its face too. She was angry, angry like the fiery sun in the distance. Everything written on pieces of paper, erased, crumbled up, thrown away and then set on fire. And Lex was watching too. She wondered what it looked like, his entire world, burning? He would never see the world burning from her eyes, or from Clark's.

Clark's eyes.

Chloe frowned,  "Do you even know what's happening? Why all of this is happening?" she shouted at him, over the beating of the rain, and the storm in her chest.

Clark responded with nothing, his own body heaving with anticipation. In his hands, he held two flashlights he'd taken from the house, "Do you?"

She saw the mix of confusion, and suspicious in his eyes...

"You don't even know who you are..." she shook her head, and bit down a sob.  Not knowing what else to do, collapsed her arms around his bulky frame and drew herself into him. He locked her in, his large arms encompassing her waist and shoulders...

This was only the third time he had held her since...

She closed her eyes.

"No," she heard his voice through the deep resonation of his chest, "I don't know why any of this is happening... But I know that you and me are going to be ok. Alright? You're safe here at the house. You're safe here, with me."

She closed her eyes harder.

"Clark..." she said, lifting her head towards his, "you're not safe here. We're not," she caught her breath as he came closer to her, "I want you to know everything, before it's too late."

In his eyes, there was a deeper understanding, a creature realizing his purpose, his beginning and end. It was clarity. "I can hear your heartbeat," was all he said, but his chest against hers swelled like a great crescendo.

Chloe blinked, and wondered if he truly could. Had the radiation exploited him, and returned his mysterious abilities? The way he looked at her, confirmed it. Was that all he could think about right now? Her, and her... restless heart?

Chloe swallowed the dry, bitterness in her mouth, her eyes moistening, "I want you to know the truth... out of everything, out of all the lies..."

"C'mon," Clark interrupted her, and took her hand, "the generator's in the barn. I can get that started, then--"

"Clark, wait!" they both stopped in the driveway, raining continuing to pour, "you need to listen to me, please."

The sun's flames arced higher, while the body sank lower.

He couldn't help it anymore. Clark stopped in his tracks, feet sinking in mud.

They both stared at the sun, galloping down until there was one final crash into the murky blackness of the earth.

A blinding light shook the stage, and then a glow.

Chloe shielded her eyes, and when she reopened them, there was Clark, looking into them,

"I love you," he said, and without prompt. He said it like a man did on his last, thin, high wire. His voice was trembling, and she could not tell if it was from the cold rain or the fear of not knowing how all of this was going to end. She didn't know if he truly meant those words. She only knew he said them, before she had the chance.

"I love you, too," she said right after.

There was a moment between their confession, and the moment when she decided to kiss him. The wall of fire had spread across the horizon, and the Moon, lifting up in the distance.

Chloe walked across the mud and the rain towards Clark. When she placed her hands against his face, he bent down.

She kissed him, very carefully, weaving in every last stitch of her feelings for him in that kiss. She knew it wouldn't last, that they wouldn't last. But she knew it was important to make this known.

"Out of everything," Chloe whispered to his lips, "just believe that this is true."

Clark pressed his forehead against hers, and held her longer, "I always believed it."

She nodded, drops of rain sliding down her face, "Then don't ever give up. Promise me. Please."

"Ok," Clark nodded, "I promise."

They both smiled, but it didn't last.

The glow swelled higher, and Clark took her hand, "C'mon, we're leaving."


The truck broke down about 3 miles out of town.

Clark carried her the rest of the way, his pants caked with mud up to his thighs, but his legs never stopped kicking. He found that his legs worked faster in the mud than the truck, and it was strange, but he felt that he was getting faster with every mile.

Clark ran until the terrain prompted him to climb. Then he started climbing.

The slick, black rock challenging even in dry weather, Clark scaled the first wall with Chloe tailing behind.

He felt the a pang of discomfort when he touched the rocks, an eddying nausea in his stomach and head. His adrenaline kept him going, and her, Chloe behind him.

"Not much farther," Clark said, his eyes catching the hell waiting behind them.

All of Smallville was burning.

They couldn't go back from here.

He reached down with his arm, and Chloe grasped it and climbed.

She saw his veins, bulged and.. green. Clark's skin pale, and sickly. He gritted his teeth and forced  a smile through his eyes. His strength was waning.

"Clark, are you ok?"

"I'm fine.." He grabbed another hold of rock and stepped up, "Not much farther."

He tried not thinking about the pain. He tried not to vomit. Instead, Clark thought about what he was leaving behind. Chloe told him that everything he knew wasn't real. That his wife, Lois, was not real. That his mother, was not real. That what he felt, everything he ever built for himself, was gone. It was all burning behind him. And for everything that it was worth, he felt it was worth nothing. He didn't care.

He looked ahead of him, and searched for another stronghold to climb next.

He didn't care about any of that. He didn't care, and hadn't care for a long time. None of it was ever truly his. And if it wasn't real, then who made it?


He looked down and saw that Chloe had slipped. He reached down for her and grabbed her arm, "You're ok. I got you."

This was real. This feeling, this pain. Seeing her hold onto him, trust him. That was real. He could hear it in her chest when he touched her hand. It was real.

Once she climbed up to him, they leaned against the mountain face and rested, "Clark, I don't know how much farther we can climb. It's too dangerous."

"I promised you I wouldn't quit," Clark wheezed, and then touched her cheek.

"There has to be a better way.."

He looked at her, then to the sky, "There is, but it's not ready yet... besides, I don't think I can fly in this weather."

She looked at him curiously, "What?"

Clark looked back at her, and then laughed.

Laughing made him wheeze, and then dizzy. He tried not thinking about the nausea, but it followed along his throat down into his chest, pumping more pain with every heart beat.

Behind him, buried meteor rock vibrated underneath its black exterior. His heart shook with equal intensity, but it wasn't in his control. He clutched his chest. Heart attack.

Chloe clung to him and sat him down, "We have to get you away from here."

His ears imploded with the sounds of his own body fighting against himself, her voice was muffled, and his own cries protested against her. He could barely see the crest of the open sky beyond the black mountains. He could almost see their freedom.

"Clark?" she spoke to him in muffled, fuzzy tones as he eventually passed out, "I'm going to get you out of here... Clark? Can you hear me? Clark..."

Rain splashed in his eyes, with darkness flooding in. The light of the blaze, he could barely feel it's heat on his cheek... But he thought he felt her on the other, her lips touching his so sweetly.


  1. First, I have to say that I'm so happy to see an update for this magnificent story, but I'm a little sad that it's almost over. I truly wish that it could go on forever, but, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and this story is a very good thing. :-)

    I absolutely love the detail with which you describe the cataclysm that's befalling SV. I swear, it's like I'm right there, experiencing it along with everyone else! From the sun going haywire to the torrential rain, you've depicted one hell of an apocalypse. I may be sad that this story is ending, but it sure is going out with a bang!

    I love the confusion that spreads through the populous. I mean, these people have had the entirety of their lives in SV scripted for them, and their reactions to everything going to hell reflects that. Of course, anyone, even those who've never been in SV before, would've wondered what was happening, but the actors all asked the same question, what now? I can't help but wonder what they were referring to. Did they mean, what turn was the project taking now, or did they mean what are we supposed to do now that the project, for all intents and purposes, is over? Personally, I think it was a bit of both, but I also think it was more of what are we supposed to do now that it's all over. Either way, everyone in SV seemed to know that life as they knew it was over.

    I find it interesting that Chloe, once she realized something was wrong, thought about going back for Lois, making sure she was safe. It says a lot about her as a person that she'd do that, especially considering she didn't really know Lois and didn't like Lois' attitude regarding Clark. Still, I'm kinda glad that Chloe dismissed the idea of going back for Lois.

    I love that, once Chloe assessed the situation and knew SV was doomed, she immediately thought of Clark and set off in search of him. I don't know if she was worried for his safety or if she wanted to make sure he got out of SV or if she just wanted to be with him should they not survive. In any case, I love that her only concern was getting to him, that she didn't care for her own safety or that of the others in SV. I also love that Chloe was happy to see Clark when she made it to the bridge and that it wasn't for any particular reason other than he's Clark. I'd say her feelings, which she's most likely kept buried for years, are resurfacing, and she seems to be accepting them, maybe even reveling in them without hesitation or fear of consequence.

    **more to follow**

  2. I love the way Clark carried Chloe across the rushing water, not even affected by it, while Chloe's car got washed away. His powers are clearly manifesting, but I don't think he's even aware of them at this point. It's like he's focused solely on Chloe, making sure she's safe. I was a bit surprised when Clark simply took Chloe's word when he asked if Lois was safe. Of course, I love that he trusted her so implicitly, but based on the loyalty he'd shown Lois, I sorta expected him to go after her regardless of what anyone said. I guess he's realizing that Chloe is more important to him than Lois, but I also think, of everyone he's ever known, he trusts Chloe most of all and believes that she'd never do anything to ever hurt him.

    I love Chloe's introspection as Clark was driving them to the farm. I swear, it's like she's the only person whose ever truly understood Clark, the one person whose even tried to understand him, the one person whose truly loved him and cared about his well being. I found it odd that Clark seemed so calm about the situation, especially considering that the sky seemed to be falling and the world looked to be ending. It's almost as if he knew what was happening, but how could he? Did he suspect the truth for his entire life, and only now is it starting to make sense? Either way, I love the image of Chlark driving toward a safe haven like they were the last two people in the world fleeing from a natural disaster. It's very beautiful, and oh-so emotional. I also love how driven Clark was, how he seemed to be on a mission. Of course, I'm not quite sure what that mission was, but I suspect it was to protect the people he loves, to make sure they survived this calamity no matter what. He truly is a hero, even though he has no clue about his heritage or his destiny.

    The description of the farm was chilling. I mean, I've never thought of the farm as cold or uninviting, but without the life and love of the people who inhabit it, the farm is a very desolate place. And again, I love the continuing reference to Chlark being alone in the world. It's as if the facade, all the lies are crumbling down, and only the truth, Chlark, are left standing. I wonder what happened to Martha and the other actors, though. Obviously, they have to have gone somewhere, but where? My guess is they went "backstage", which has to include exits, so why wouldn't Chloe have suggested that to Clark? Hmm, maybe she didn't trust that they would be safe, because Lex has to be on the lookout for Clark, and I doubt he'd just let Clark leave. Anyway, I love that Clark seems to be able to look into Chloe's soul, to see that she's telling the truth even though he has no idea what the truth really is. It's like their souls are connected, and Clark is using that connection to ground himself as the world around them burns, and that's just awesome.

    **more to follow**

  3. I'm glad Chloe is finally telling Clark the truth about his life. She's taking a huge risk, and I don't mean because Lex might find her and kill her. She has no idea how he'll react to learning that his whole life is a lie and that Chloe was part of that lie, but she doesn't seem to care that she may lose Clark as a result. As far as she knows, they may both die, and she doesn't want to die with a guilty conscience or with Clark never knowing the truth. Clark's reaction to her telling him the world and his whole life are lies was pretty subdued. I'm glad that he was at least a little suspicious, but the trust, the bond that exists between them allowed him to trust and believe her and accept the truth. Plus, I think he's always known, on some level, that his life was a lie, so it made hearing the truth much easier to accept and bear.

    I love the emotion between Chlark as Chloe rocks Clark's world with the truth. It seems Chloe is much more upset about everything than Clark is, but I would expect nothing less. She loves him, and knows he's a good person, and I think she's grieving for the life that he could've had, is upset that he's been treated like a monster, a lab rat, simply because he's different. I also love that Clark, despite everything that's happening and the reasons for it, is more focused on and concerned about Chloe and her well being. That concern just screams that he loves her, truly loves her, more than anything else in the world.

    The best part of this entire chapter, for me, was when Chlark were standing in the mud with the rain pouring down upon them as they watched the sun fall from the sky and Clark told Chloe he loved her and she told him she loved him too. Gawd, that was such an amazingly powerful moment!! However, the best part of all was when they kissed!!! I swear, I nearly died of happiness!!! That was such an unbelievably romantic moment, made even more so when Chloe made him promise never to give up, to keep fighting. Ooh, and I LOVE that Clark always knew that Chloe, his relationship with her and their feelings for each other were always real! Romantic Chlarky perfection, my friend!!!!

    **more to follow**

  4. Clark's starting to realize that his powers are both a blessing and a curse. His powers, which seem to be getting stronger by the minute, allowed him to get himself and Chloe to the edge of SV, to the mountains and hopefully to freedom. However, because of the kryptonite in the mountain, Clark's powers are the cause of him dying even as he's on the verge of escape. Still, I love Clark's determination, the way he pushes through the pain and continues on, trying to make sure he and Chloe make it out. But, I can't help but feel sad and a bit scared that as Clark shows growing signs of kryptonite poisoning. Chloe can see that he's not fine, that the meteor rock in the mountain is affecting him, probably killing him, and you know she would gladly go back down the mountain if it meant Clark living, but she's following his lead, trusting him to save them both.

    I find it interesting that Clark has so quickly and easily come to terms with the reality of his life. I would've expected him to be more upset and distraught. Then again, he's in the middle of a crisis, and he's trying to make sure Chloe is safe, so he may not have fully processed the reality of things, which means he could have a rough time of it later once everything settles down. However, considering the fact that he doesn't seem to care that his life and the people he loved were never real, I kinda doubt he'll be having a freakout at all. In fact, I thought his attitude was kinda callous, but then I realized that his attitude was quite appropriate. I mean, the things he thought he knew and the people he thought he loved never really existed, so why should he care what happens to them one way or the other? Chloe's the only thing that matters to him, and if she were burning along with the rest of SV, then I think he'd be freaking out and on the verge of a breakdown.

    Clark's mention of flying has me intrigued. Does he know that he's capable of flight? Based on the things he said, I'd have to say yes. But how does he know? Is it some innate thing like instinct? Or is he remembering things taught to him when he traveled to earth in his ship as a baby? Either way, I'd love to see him fly, and I love Chloe's reaction to the possibility that he can fly.

    The ending of this chapter is breaking my heart! Clark's on the verge of death, can feel his life slipping away, and it's happening when he and Chloe are so close to freedom. And then Clark blacks out! Is he dead or simply unconscious? How will Chloe save Clark? He's too heavy for her to carry, so what's she gonna do? Will she go back down the mountain in search of help? Will Lex show up and attempt to stop Chlark from leaving? Will Lex try to kill Clark? Will Lex tell Clark the truth about everything? At any rate, I love that the last thing Clark was aware of, before he lost consciousness, was Chloe kissing him. It was a beautiful way to end the chapter, and it really took some of the sting out of what's happening to Clark. I just hope that it wasn't their last kiss.

    I must say, this chapter was very emotional, and the mood and tone was expertly executed. I truly felt that the world was ending and that Chlark were the sole survivors. I also love that the love Chlark have for one another was finally allowed to blossom. It was a ray of light in the middle of so much darkness. As sad as I am that it's almost over, I can't wait to see how it all ends! Bravo, Elliott!!!!!!!!!!
