Friday, September 7, 2012

goal for the year

To finish these fics up before the ball drop on 2013. For those of yall keeping with me and my slow updates, bless you. And to FallingSky, I adore all the attention you drop on the feedback. It's amazing that you even remember the plot to these things... and I barely do aswell!

Still having fun with Chlark,


1 comment:

  1. You've set quite the ambitious goal for yourself, but I have no doubt you'll meet it. I wonder, once these fics are finished, will you be finished writing Chlark? I hope not, but I completely understand if you decide to move on.

    Anyway, I'm glad you enjoy my feedback. It's always nice to know that my efforts to support Chlark and those who write it are appreciated. As to me remembering the plots to all these stories, well, it's easy to remember the things you love, especially when they're so interesting and awesome. :-)
