Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Updates soon...

I have a chapter idea for Go By in the works so stay tuned. Same for No Ordinary. Thanks for those who read and comment! Much appreciated to know yall are still
interested.  (:


  1. Ooh, new chapters for Go By and No Ordinary World? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm super excited to hear that!! I'd tell you to hurry, but I want the very best you have to offer, so I'm content to wait as long as it takes. :-)

    It's a pleasure and an honor to read and comment, so you're very welcome. Also, I'm always interested in good Chlark, and yours is some of the absolute best!! Keep up the great work, Elliott!! :-D

  2. Totally agree with The Fallen Sky. Glad to hear that you are coming back. Waiting patiently!
