Thursday, January 19, 2012

no ordinary world 8



Strong, dexterous hands stretched from underneath the chassis of a red tractor parked inside the Kent barn.


The late evening settled into night as Clark tinkered with wrenches and ratchets. Silver, shining instruments were scattered within the bits of hay that laid around his boots. It had been a long day; Perry White was charged with felony arson following his immediate confession to a crime that Clark believed, he did not commit. Clark had gone to the sheriff's office to see White, but was turned away. Perry would not see any one, not family, not friends and surely not the Press.


Clark returned to the crime scene but found no other clues. The trail had gone cold with the demolition of the school and Clark's previous leads with the diesel fuel had also run dry. It seemed that the connections Clark investigated had magically pointed the police towards an unfounded disposition; to a man who Clark could not point the same evidence to, but at the same time, could not clear by deductive theory alone.


The hope for Perry White seemed to fade within the twilight.


Outside the barn, the yellow farm house glowed from the productions of Martha Kent's cooking. It was dark now, crickets heard from the fields. A spotlight was strung between a post and tractor, Clark's legs the only visible parts of a preoccupied man. He had become a quite capable mechanic, learning nearly everything from his father.


Dissembling metal components painted grease and dirt on his forearms and sleeves. He enjoyed taking things apart, the sockets, bolts and shiny pieces collecting like puzzle parts. Much like investigating a story, you had to split the whole in pieces to really understand how it all worked and fit together.


His hand felt around for the right wrench, fingers bumbling around straw and hay. He heard footsteps near the barn door, and immediately sighed with relief. "Ah, Mom! Just who I needed. Can you hand me the 3/4th? I'm almost done, I just need to take this housing out and clean it then I'll eat. I promise."


He waited patiently as he heard Martha's footsteps pause at the door, then come around slowly to where Clark worked. He stretched out his hand expectantly, and frowned when the wrong wrench was placed in it. "No, the 3/4th..." Clark dropped it and squeezed his head to the side, "The one right over there, by your feet."


That's when Clark noticed that Martha's feet were not Martha's feet. They were small, and in sandals. He jumped when he saw who's face peeked down below.


"Ow!" Clark's head banged against the metal chassis and then hit the floor again. He blinked his eyes, unbelieving she was real.


"Are you... okay?" she said with a friendly curiosity.


She was exactly as he saw her last. Seven years melted into her sunny smile.


Clark shimmied out from under the tractor and stood up, the bulky tractor the only thing between them. "Chloe?"


She was still holding a wrench in one hand, fumbling with it nervously. She held it out to him as if it were an offering, "You know how uncultured I am about manual labor and all of its trappings... Is this the one?"


"You're here," his voice did not hide his wonder. Slowly, Clark walked around the tractor, a walk that lasted a lifetime.


As he approached, she couldn't look away. The smudges of grease on his face and arms matched the color of his hair. If hard work and sweat were ever agreeable with anyone, it would have been Clark Kent. His tanned skin absorbed all of the matter of life, and preserved it into its best possible form.


And then they were in front of one another, Clark taking the wrench from her hands and dropping it to the floor. It clanked against the other tools, but neither of them heard it. In a single, silent move, Clark grabbed her into his arms and picked her off the ground, small feet dangling above his clunky brown boots.


"You're really here!" He laughed into her golden hair.


Chloe smiled against his shoulder, her eyes moist and then tightly closed in a vain effort. But he noticed right away, using a smudged thumb to wipe her cheek. "Ah, I'm sorry. I'm just as clumsy as ever."


 She laughed, and then grabbed the work rag from his trousers. She wiped her face.


A twinkle of wonder tugged at his lips. "It's good to see you." He watched as their smiles united in luminosity. He found them still so close to one another, and consciously took a step back, although, he felt strange doing so.


Clark took the rag and wiped his hands. "So, what brings you here all the way from Metropolis? How long are you going to stay? Longer than a few days I hope, I have so much to tell you I don't even know where to start! Have you seen Pete?"


Chloe smiled again, deciphering through which question she wanted to answer first. "No, I haven't seen Pete yet. I came here after you weren't at your house. Martha said you'd be in here... what?"


Clark tilted his head down, smiling. "Nothing. It's just... I was thinking about you earlier and now here you are." He looked up at her and surrendered another boyish grin. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you."


She then, very openly, looked at him with the sincerest of words, "I do have an idea."


For some reason unknown to him, her happy expression did not exactly meet his. There was a hint of sadness, a silent, attentive way about how she watched his every move. Her hazel eyes were predetermined to sparkle when she smiled as he spoke, but they gradually fell towards a deep reflection after a few words.


"Wow, it's been what.. six? seven years and I feel like you never left." Clark said, leaning against the tractor again. "You're just as pretty as I remembered. Maybe even more so."


This candid remark struck her off her guard, and for once, her brilliance shone through in rose color. He remembered that she wasn't subject to comments of her beauty, and was more often the type to discount them all. But she humored him anyway, "You've grown up too, Clark."


"Me?" he laughed, walking her outside towards the house, "Nah. I've just rounded out around the shoulders. All that heavy paper lifting at the office, y'know." They laughed together.


There wasn't a pause between them while they walked to the porch, then to the kitchen and then to the dining room table. Clark catching Chloe up on all that had changed in Smallville, and there really hadn't been much. There was just so much to share with her around, the air crisp and clear in her company, her laughter inciting a familiar comfort to his soul. He seemed to keep talking just to see her reaction to his stories, to his jokes. He felt as if those looks had been reserved for him and him alone, fragments of the time they had spent apart.


"You know," Clark caught himself at the thought, "it's strange that you came at the time that you did. A couple of days ago, the old highschool burnt down--"


"Clark?" The sound of his Martha's voice finally broke him away from their conversation, "is Lois going to be joining us for dinner?"


"Oh, I forgot to call her." Clark smiled half-way and then excused himself from the table. "I'll be right back."


Martha smiled gently at Clark, and then to Chloe.


Chloe, quiet at the table, nodded towards the older woman.


"So glad to have you back, dear." Martha said, setting out the tableware.



"Oh, just tell the truth!" Hamilton challenged, his voice booming in Luthor's private observation room, "This is just another plot orchestrated by you to cover up the mess you made!"


"Careful, Dr. Hamilton." Lex responded coolly, "Your weaknesses are showing."


Emil took a moment, recollected himself, his clipboard and his headset from the floor, and then turned to leave the room. "This is dangerous, Lex. You know it is."


"And for the record," Lex said before Emil left, "You work for me, Hamilton. Not for anyone else, and certainly not for your own personal agenda. Every order I give to you and to the project is to be followed to the letter. I am not lenient towards insubordination, and I am not humored by defiance. "


Lex listened as the door opened and closed, a sliver of light both spilling and retreating at Emil's exit. The intercom beeped in on his desk. "Yes?"


"Orders are completed, Mr. Luthor.."



He collapsed his hands and grinned, "Good."




"Lois isn't answering at the house." Clark returned to the dinner table, a slight frown appearing on his face before he smiled at Chloe again. "I guess she might have worked late at the office tonight."


"Does she ever work late?" Martha inquired, half interested.


'Not usually." Clark replied, equally half as interested, "But she's been acting weird around me lately. She said we needed some time apart."


Chloe looked at him, the deep, pensive look reappearing. "I suppose that's married life."


Clark looked over to her and then to his wedding ring, the object her eyes rested on. Clark rubbed his thumb across the gold band and then folded his hands away . "Yeah, I suppose so."


"So, Chloe." Martha perked up, passing a bowl of rolls, "What brings you back home? I know we haven't heard any word of you in a long while..."


"Well," she smiled partly and shrugged.


Clark watched her very closely, anticipating her response. "Are you staying long? You know you're welcome at our house anytime, and for however long. Lois would be happy to see you." The last part he added, to sound less dependent on her answer.


"I'm not sure how long I'm staying." Chloe stirred her food around her plate with a spoon very absently, "You see, I quit my job in Metropolis."


Clark dropped his dinner knife and apologized. "You what? Why?"


She looked at him in the eye and very calmly said, "It wasn't what I wanted, Clark. I was unhappy being away from Smallville."


The table was quiet for a moment before Clark slowly nodded, taking in her words. "Well, I'm happy to have you back. Excited, really."


Chloe nodded and returned his smile, "From all your letters, you and Lois sound very happy here."



Martha looked across the table and then to Clark.



He paused before sipping his glass of water and then thoughtfully noted, "Lois seems to like it better here than the city."


"What do you like?"


Clark turned to her, weighing not only the question, but the manner in which she has asked it. She looked at him, very serenely, and open. It was difficult to explain how naked he felt in front of her, with just her frank, caring nature that stripped him of all his formalities.


He was about to answer before the eerie, resonating of sirens infiltrated the house.


"Clark?" Martha turned towards him, an expression of surprise.


He made his way to the window, peered out and saw the slight hint of amber glow. "I don't know what it is, but I gotta go."


Before either could get a word in, Chloe and Martha watched Clark bolt out the door and into the tiny passenger car, tail lights blurring down the dirt road and towards the echoes of sirens and screams.




"FIRE! ITS ON FIRE!" The screaming paperboy rushed towards Clark when he sprung out of car, ripping the door back and almost off its hinges. He could barely see past all the bodies and fire trucks as he pushed through the growing crowd. He felt the heat before he could actually see the structure that was burning, the trees camouflaging his greatest fear.



There, in the hot orange flow, was the The Daily Star, fully involved.



"Lois!" he barrelled through towards the front of the crowd and grabbed the first firefighter he saw. "Tell me, is everyone out?"


"No clue." the firefighter responded with a truly blank look, "But who would be inside there at this time of night?"


Clark looked back at him and then quickly took action, "Who all has done primary searches?"


The firefighter looked around, unable to give an answer without looking for help.


Clark removed him from his way and took a respirator and axe from the truck, and threw on the closest available fire suit. He marched to the entrance where smoke poured out like a dragon's mouth, several firefighters standing well enough away.


"Kent! It's done, man! Let it burn!"




The first obstacle had been the crushed doorways. The heat from the second floor caused debris to spill down to the first, the draft upwards feeding up to form a vicious food chain. Clark climbed the stairs in darkness, smoke so thick he could barely see his feet. He crawled the remaining steps to the landing and swung the axe through the glass paneling to break through.


It was there he found Lois, blind fold and gagged, tied to a chair.


He couldn't ask why, or think of how it had happened, all he could even think to do was pick her up and get her out.


Embers and debris fell around them as he worked to free her from the chair. Her head bobbed from side to side, a sign that she was no longer conscious, and possibly not breathing. He unstrapped his respirator and placed it over her face, picked her up over his shoulder and grabbed the ax.


The doorway collapsed behind them, the room erupting in red, explosive flames. Clark looked to Lois's face, black with ash and then to the windows.




Glass showered down in splinters and smoke. The shape of a man carrying a woman entering the window frame and then shouting down, "I need a ladder! I need a ladder!"



Several hands leaped to the ladder mounted to one of the fire engines and delivered it to Pete who climbed up and grabbed Lois' wilted body and carried her down.


Clark followed after them, but not without taking one last look at the burning newspaper office, and then diving out.




"Is she... injured?" Lex said in a detached manner. He was fanning through several sheets of paper on his desk, signing them in crisp black ink.


"Thankfully, no." Another, generic project assistant shook his head, looking very worrisome as he did. "The medical officers that responded with the cast said she would recover. Just minor smoke inhalation."


"Good. All is well then. See to it that the rest of this morning goes to plan."


The assistant hesitated when asking, "Mr. Luthor sir... This has shaken everyone within the project. They believe you've crossed the line, endangering the crew in this staged drama."


"Where is Dr. Hamilton?"


"Dr. Hamilton? Why, he... well, frankly, no one has seen him since last night. He left the premises soon after he left your office."


Lex closed his eyes, and smiled. "Fine." He stood from his desk and crossed the many monitors that collectively made a wall. "Congratulations, you've just been promoted to lead research for the remainder of this project. You'll be taking on all of Hamilton's old duties, including answering to me 24/7. That includes answering to my every order without question or hesitation. Is that clear?"


The assistant quickly nodded, and jotted down his notes.


Lex stood in front of the wall, luminous pixels of the newspaper inferno back lighting his tailored silhouette. "It's almost time for the main event."


  1. OMG!!!!!! Chloe's back in Smallville!!! I love the way you reintroduced her!! First, I love that Clark was back on the farm, working on a tractor. His perception of the world as he knows it is changing, and he feels as though he can't trust anything anymore, so going back to the farm where he grew up, where everything was simple and he knew what was what, is something I could definitely see him doing. And I love the way that you didn't reveal who was in the barn with him immediately. It really added some punch to the actual reveal. And how cute was it that Chloe kept getting Clark the wrong wrench?

    Ooh, and I love Clark's reaction to seeing Chloe standing in his barn again after so many years. I could literally feel his excitement and elation! Based on his reaction, I'd say his feelings for her were/are more than those of just friendship. His whole demeanor and thought process changed just from being in her presence. And I gotta admit, Chloe put on one hell of a performance. Oh, I'm sure she was happy to see, touch and talk to Clark, but she also knows the truth about Smallville, so she was holding back to some degree. Still, I love that she didn't let on that anything was wrong. Although, she did give several subtle hints that there was more going on, at least with her, than she was saying.

    I also love that Martha genuinely seemed to be happy that Chloe was back. Though, even she was surprised to see Chloe at first. Again, very good acting. Ooh, and I love how, when Chloe mentioned Clois' marriage, Clark reacted as if he was having second thoughts about being married to Lois. Clearly, Clark's getting ever closer to figuring out the truth about his reality, and his doubting his feelings for Lois is one of the key factors. Also, I suspect that Clark has always had romantic feelings for Chloe, and seeing her again probably made him wish that he was married to her instead of Lois.

    And what's with Chloe saying she may not stay in Smallville very long? Is that because she thinks Lex is gonna dispose of her? Or could it be that she has a plan to escape from Smallville? And did Lex dispose of Dr. Hamilton, or did the good doctor actually leave of his own accord? I suspect Lex had him killed, but I hope Emil got out before that happened. If Emil did escape, I hope he and Chloe are working together on a plan to get Clark out of Smallville.

    **My comment was too long, so I had to split it into two parts.**

  2. **Here's the rest of my comment.**

    I see Lex is up to his old tricks, starting another fire, this time at the paper where Clois work. Again, everyone was standing around when Clark got there instead of doing everything they could to fight the fire. I realize those were most likely Lex's orders, but it's very suspicious and only fuels Clark's doubts about the world as he knows it. And what was Lois doing tied to a chair in a burning building? Was she supposed to die in there? If so, what purpose would that serve? Unless...if Clark was a widower, he'd be free to pursue things with Chloe, which may be why Lex wanted her back in the first place. Although, since Clark rescued Lois, I'm wondering what's gonna happen now. I mean, Clark could become closer to Lois as a result of her near death experience. Though, I think Clark will just be more determined than ever to find out what's really going on.

    Also, I'm curious to know how Chloe reacts to this latest development. Is Chloe actually related to Lois? Considering everyone is an actor in Smallville, I'm thinking Chloe and Lois are complete strangers who happened to play the roles of cousins. In any event, I'm dying to know if Clark is gonna tell Chloe about his suspicions about what's been going on in Smallville and whether or not Chloe will support and help him in his investigation or if she'll try to get him to drop it.

    And what exactly is this 'main event' Lex was talking about? Obviously, he's got something big planned for Clark, but what could it possibly be? Does it have something to do with Clark's kryptonian heritage? Whatever it is, I'm dying to know why Lex needed Chloe back in Smallville, specifically Clark's life. What role is she supposed to play in what's to come? Does she even know why she's really there, or is she just another pawn in Lex's scheme?

    It's great to finally get an update on this. This story is so inventive and unique, and just love everything about it. I really am curious about what's gonna happen, specifically with regards to Chlark. I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us next! Fantastically awesome work, Elliott!!! :-D

  3. Wa-hoo, Chloe's back in Smallville (or a replica there of)!!! :-) I wonder what her take is going to be on this bunch of bull about Perry supposedly being responsible for setting the high school on fire. And now the newspaper has been burned - what's with Lex and fire?? Is he channeling his own Coach Walt Arnold, LOL? Ha-ha!

    Looking forward to seeing Clark and Chloe sort through all this madness and eventually get out of there!

    Keep up the good work!
