Friday, July 22, 2011

go by ch 15 pt 3


The first round of gun shots sent a terrible chill through her. Chloe stumbled from her pace, her barefoot sprint down the darkness becoming a never ending vacuum of percussion rounds.She stopped to hear Clark's voice, or anything for that matter.

But it was quiet now. And that shook her even more.

He's faster than a speeding bullet. She reminded herself, and started running again.

She made it to the gym doors, pushing through them and running past.

She tripped over the first few feet, her hands flying forward to the ground as she fell. Her fingers felt around, stopping once they reached a deposit of warm fluid pooling at her knees. She couldn't see it, but she could smell it.


She kept herself from screaming in horror, the bodies of several dark clothed soldiers laying around her. Their fallen arms laid against their fallen bodies. Lifeless and so many. Had they been sent to capture her? To kill her? And who had killed them?

From the shadows a glowing pair of eyes emerged, and advanced.

And then, another pair.

A hideous green...

This time, she did scream...



Streaks of rain.

All washed against the windows that lined  Clark's back, their shadows casting strange, crawling tendrils across the pale blues of lockers that painted the halls of the old highschool.

It was there across from Clark that Brainiac stood.

Black, dead, lifeless eyes.

Kryptonian, Brainiac was born by Clark's biological father. But its form wasn't alive at all, it was a computer, a machine. And at Brainiac's feet were bodies of its product.

Dark pools of blood.

Flowing still.

Brainiac remained still. "It is nearly complete."

But Clark never heard the first syllable, his legs burning streaks across slowed time, superspeeding away towards her screams.

When he found them, they were quiet.


Laying across the floor, her once emerald colored dress now dark, and sheen with a dark stain.

He went to her, hands cradling her neck.

Clark clenched shut his eyes, an anger so overpowering he could not breathe.

"It is done." Said one of the soldiers, his hand held out proudly, inside of it, the last crystal of knowledge.

Blue, and pristine.

"I found it among this human. The last key to our home."

Clark's eyes opened.


The soldier's feet left the ground, Clark's fist around his neck.

A terrible sound from Clark's throat as his teeth ground together fiercly, just before a deafening cry shook the walls.


Clark squeezed harder, never flinching while the soldier's thick hands covered his own throat, squeezing in helpless retaliation.

At his side, the female soldier watched with expectant, admiring eyes. "The prophecies are true. Kal-El's strength equals that of all mighty Zod."

"Careful, Aethyr." Brainiac crept behind the female soldier, his eyes unswayed from its blackness, "He is strong, but unbalanced."

The struggle between Clark's anger and mercy split shadows on his face. His conscious reminding him that his Kryptonian brothers had not shone mercy to humans, the ones he vowed to protect.

The still, bloodied air reminding him that they had not spared even her.

Heat spilled from his eyes, Clark's heart pounding erratically to fill the gaps of where Chloe's heartbeat were absent.

It was between those gaps where Clark contested the temptation to end the soldier's struggles.


Anger carried through to even the cadence of his chest, a beating drum that would not cease until Clark's pain was satisfied.






Blood coursed through his fists, delivering the strength to cease all Clark's deliberations with a silent motion.

But then he heard it.

And then again. A slow, steady sound that disrupted his preconceived punishment for what they had done.

Clark turned around, eyes breathing embers.


She was still alive.

His fists gave way, the soldier thrown away, his body colliding through the cinder block wall and into the rain outside.

A damp, dim light poured through newly created window to the outside, light drifting over Chloe's body.

"Don't you touch her." Clark snarled at the remaining kryptonians.

Brainiac's eyes met his cooly, and spoke this to the female soldier, "Strong, but unbalanced. You see, Kal-El's weight is shifted in two different directions."

She nodded. "He will fall before he learns to rise."

Brainiac nodded in return. "But first, he will learn to kneel."

They observed from a distance, watching as Clark lifted Chloe into his arms.

"Put her down!"

They all looked up, a voice from the shadows yelled, while a sharp, pointed tip of an arrow sliced through wet darkness.

Clark's eyes narrowed. "Oliver, get out of here!"

"I said, put her down!" His sights aimed at the veins protruding from Clark's neck.

"You don't understand-"

"I understand enough!" The whites of Oliver's teeth bit back, a feral growl in his voice. "I've seen what you've done."

From the side, Brainiac smoothly laughed.

Oliver swung around, arrow aimed, and poorly outnumbered.

He shot.

Three times.

All three arrows caught in mid air, the cold pair of black eyes gleaming back at the lone Green Archer.

He reached for his quiver again, but his hand was stopped, and twisted back.

The female soldier bent, and whispered in his ear, "You are weak."

She wrenched his arm back, and snapped his wrist. "And break easily."

Oliver screamed, dropping to his knees.

"Stop!" Clark yelled, Chloe still in his arms. "Leave this place!" Anger shook his lip, watching as one of his friends suffered at their feet.

Brainiac turned, "Our task is not yet complete."

Clark held Chloe closer to his chest, his heart beating against hers.

From the rain, the second kryptonian soldier shook the rain droplets from his smooth shaven head, blood trickling down the gashes inflicted only moments before.

They circled Clark, closing in.

"Leave us." Clark warned, ignoring the unsettling fear that raised the hairs on his neck.

Brainiac smiled, "I see now that you are not ready, Kal-El. You are not prepared to accept your new home. New Krypton."


Clark looked down to where her pale face laid against him. "This is my home."

Brainiac's gaze narrowed. "We will see."

Clark took a knee, gently lowering Chloe's body to the ground, removing the remains of his tattered shirt and placing it underneath her head.

"I see now that you are lost, Kal-El. Led astray for far too long. I wonder how long it will take until you are broken from your disillusions. Until you find your way back to the Kryptonian way." Brainiac circled. "Until you realize that Krypton, and only Krypton, has been your home."

Lightning, and then thunder.

Brainiac reached out with his hand, and caught the rain, weighing it for a moment before flicking it in Clark's face. "Maybe a few centuries away from 'your home' will bring you clarity."

Clark lunged at him, only to be held back by either soldier at his side.

But it wasn't enough, Clark grasping at the thread's of Brainiac's long black coat, pulling him close enough to see himself inthe dark pools of his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere."

Brainiac grabbed Clark's face in his palm and turned it, almost affectionately. "There is so much for you to learn, Kal-El. You have no choice."

A metallic, hollow disc appeared from Brainiac's other palm, revolving in silent, graceful turns.

Both soldiers looked at one another, approval exchanging between them.

Clark's head turned, watching the disc float past, and far away, gaining speed as it spiralled towards an unseen destination in the stormy night sky.

Immediately, Clark felt a force pulling him back.

He staggered.

Brainiac patted his face, "Goodbye."

Both soldier's released him, Clark's body sucked backwards into the rain.

Confusion, dischord.

Clark's mind battled through the uncertainty of what Brainiac had done, the infliction upon his body, and the destination that Brainiac had plotted for it. He felt his body caught on a hook, reeling backward, and unwillingly. His mind fighting for the last strength left, fighting to grab a hold of the last shreds of footing.

His legs thrusted forward, leaning against the invisible current that wrangled his body. He reached for the male, yanking him close.

"Leave it, Aethyr." Brainiac warned as the female moved towards them.

She hesitated, unsure when she asked, "But where is the crystal?"

Brainiac twitched, unsure himself.

Both Clark and the male soldier slid backward, Clark ahold of him, and the force ahold of Clark.

His feet left the ground, anchored to the soldier's shoulders.

And between Clark's hand, a blue glint of light reflecting the cinders of lightning.

Brainiac bolted. "Stop him!"

The female grabbed Clark's arm.

"Stop him now!"

Clark's body lifted higher, the male dropping from his grip and falling to the ground.

Brainiac leap into the air, colliding with Clark, prying his fingers back the cool blue surface, but failing.

The male launched himself, fist pulled back, pummelling Clark in the face over and over, while the female choked him from behind.

Clark's grip only tightened, the edges cutting into his palm. His face so suddenly bruised, and the skin cut above his eyes. As they ascended from the atmosphere of Earth, he took his last breath as if it would be his last, and turned to Brainiac and whispered, "You're coming with me."



  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!! Elliott, this is simply incredible!!!!!!!!!!

    I love the suspense of Chloe running to see what all the gunfire was about and slipping in the blood of the fallen soldiers. But the scariest part were the two sets of eyes advancing on her followed by her scream. Talk about nail biting!

    I especially love the atmosphere and the mood of the entire piece. The darkness and the rain falling outside really mirror the direness of the situation. And let's not forget all the dead bodies and pools of blood.

    I really love the face off between Clark and Brainiac. It's classic good vs. evil. And I love how you emphasized Brainiac's black eyes and the fact that he's 'dead'. I think the use of the word 'dead' struck a stronger chord than had you said he wasn't alive. Well done!

    And I love how as soon as Clark heard Chloe scream, he forgot all about Brainiac and his evil intentions and rushed to Chloe's side. His love for her is supremely evidenced by that one action alone.

    Ooh, perhaps my favorite part of the update was after Clark saw Chloe's body and thought she was dead and he just lost it. I especially love how he was keenly aware of the loss of her heartbeat. It's like he lost his lifeline to humanity when her heart stopped, and as a result, he lost all control. And while it was kinda disturbing to see Clark unleash his fury on the male kryptonian, I also kinda enjoyed the fact that Clark wasn't just gonna stand by and let these bastards get away with killing the woman he loves.

    And I thought having Brainiac stand by and watch as Clark set about killing one of Zod's minions was genius! Brainiac is a computer, and as such he doesn't care about life, well, except for Zod's, so having stand by and observe the scene before him objectively was absolutely the right call. And I love how Brainiac actually admires Clark's physical prowess, but dismisses him as a threat because Clark is too emotionally unbalanced.

    Oh, and I was jumping for joy when Clark was on the verge of killing the male kryptonian but stopped when he heard the familiar beat of Chloe's heart. It just goes to show how lost he is without her and how much influence she has over him. And I simply loved it when he picked her up in his arms and cradled her to his chest. Such a beautiful moment!

    **I've had to split my comment into two parts because it's so long. What can I say? I really love this story and this update!!**

  2. **Part two of my comment.**

    Ah, Oliver. It's nice that he wants to charge in and save Chloe from all the "monsters", but he really needs to stop and think once in awhile. Obviously, Oliver doesn't know about kryponite, because shooting regular arrows at a bunch of kryptonians is tantamount to throwing foam balls at them. Still, gotta give him credit for at least trying, even though he got his ass handed to him by a girl. ;-p

    I was pretty hopeful when Clark realized he'd have to fight all three of his enemies if he was gonna get out of there with Chloe, that is until Brainiac pulled out his phantom zone gateway disc. Once the portal started tugging on Clark, I thought for sure that he'd be pulled into the phantom zone and Brainiac would be left behind to wreak havoc. So, I was pleasantly surprised that Clark was holding the final crystal, and that the others were trying to take it from him, and that, because they were all fighting Clark for the crystal, they were all being pulled into the phantom zone. That was just a fantastic cliffhanger!!

    Although, I'm wondering what's gonna happen once Clark and the other kryptonians are in the phantom zone. I mean, I know there's a way out, but that could take awhile. Also, I'm curious to see what happens when Chloe regains consciousness and asks Oliver what happened. I'm not sure whether Oliver will tell her that Clark tried to save her or that Clark is just as evil as the people he was with. I'd like to think Oliver could see that Clark is a good guy, but it's clear Oliver has feelings for Chloe, so he might try to paint Clark in a bad light to better his chances with Chloe, even if he's doing it subconsciously.

    In any event, I'm dying to know what happens next!! Will Clark really be pulled into the phantom zone with Brainiac and Zod's henchmen? If so, how long will it take Clark to escape, or will he escape? Also, what happened to Kara? Will she show up to save Clark? And what will happen to Chloe? Will she still believe Clark is a hero, or will Oliver poison her perception of Clark? Oh, and will Chlark finally get their happy ending? It's clear they have deep rooted feelings for each other, so I'd really love to see them together, if for no other reason than because they deserve to have some measure of happiness.

    I guess I've rambled enough, huh? Anyway, unbelievably outstanding work again, Elliott!! You are truly an amazing writer, and I'm glad you continue to share your unique and interesting take on Chlark with us. I can't wait for the next update on this!! BRAVO!!!!!!
