Friday, June 17, 2011

In Limbo

Hey world,

In the process of switching jobs, switching cities, and hopefully maybe Grad school, so posting hasn't been numero uno lately.

This will change soon, just hope somebody is still reading this.


Take care



  1. I'm still here... have so much of your stories to catch up on. Started a blog myself and posted some of my stories there also. RL keeps me busy, too, so posting has been erratic and often non-existent. Trying to finish a novel also...

    Why aren't there more hours in the day... and why do I need so much sleet?

  2. I'm somebody!! At least that's what my mom keeps telling me. ;p Seriously, you've got some loyal fans out here, and I'm one of them. In fact, I can't wait until you start posting more regularly.

    I hope your transitions go well and that you get settled in soon.

  3. Mari Anne,

    I would love to read some of your writing, it's been a while since I've been involved in other people's work. :) Good luck on your novel as well! And a big thanks for still reading...

    The Fallen Sky,

    You're definitely a loyal fan, and I really appreciate you keeping up with this little feed of writing. And thank you so much for all the feedback you've left for me, I do read every word, and I'm humbled that you take such time out of your day to write so enthusiastically.

  4. It's my pleasure to leave feedback for such a talented writer. If I don't support my fellow Chlarkers, who will? And should you ever feel inclined to return to K-site, you'll find that I've taken to writing my own Chlark fiction.

    Anyway, I look forward to continuing to follow you and your writing.

  5. Sorry for replying SO late Elliott!!! :(

    I too have been assailed by real life and have not been to your blog as often as I would like. However, I still do check in and continue to very much enjoy your splendid writing!! :)

    Do hope your relocation and change of jobs has gone well!! I too will be relocating/changing jobs by the end of the year.

    Take care!
