Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year ( :

Well, I'm a solidly standing on the other side of my deadline to finish these stories, but I'm still committed to finishing them all. I just updated Ordinary, and I apologize that it took 3 months to do so. Meanwhile, I have the next part of Go By done, I just have to figure out exactly how I want the next chapter to start from and when to stop.

Wishing you all a very happy new year...


  1. Happy New Year to you also!
    So happy you plan to finish all the wonderful fics you have. I will be back to read... I am so far behind. I posted one of my old "one-shots" called "All Night Long With Chloe" (a CHLARK fic, of course) on my blog and I'm working on another one. Finding time to write and read is getting difficult when work and family are keeping me busy (not complaining, job and family are great)... just making excuses, I guess!

    But I'll be back to read your update soon!
    Mari Anne

  2. And Happy New Year to you too Elliott!! :) Thanks much for continuing to work on these stories!! As for the deadline, well life and other things certainly can come into play to push back finishing these projects. Still, having read your other works, I know they'll be worth the wait. :)

